Wednesday 30 June 2010

Some thoughts from Scotland...

Michael: It has been really wonderful to meet all our friends from Florentin! :-) I hope you have all enjoyed your trip to Scotland- I know all my class have had lots and lots of fun meeting you all, and spending time with each of you. I think it has been a great success- so thank you for helping to make our last week at school so exciting!
You have had some great weather, and I think the centre at Innerwick was a good place for you to stay too. My own children Sandy and Olivia also are missing you already. "When will I see the French children again?" was Olivia's question this evening!
Merci beaucoup - A bientôt, j'espère!

Lauren A: I have really enjoyed meeting my pen-pal Camille. Yesterday was the last day we saw our pen-pals, and we did lots of fun things. We played a game called gamelle, we had lunch together and we took part in the Y factor (the talent show). On Monday we went to Dalkeith Country Park. We went to the adventure park first and Camille and I really enjoyed it.

Caitlin: I really enjoyed Dalkeith Country Park. It was sad to see our pen-pals leave. We had a talent show on Tuesday and that was fun as well.

Evie: I really enjoyed the experience as it helped us learn more French, but also helped us made great friends! I was nervous when I first met them, but when we started talking, Jessica, Charline, Lucy, Lea and I started to learn about each other. I was very excited going to Dalkeith Country Park because I wanted to meet even more people. I also had loads of fun at school on Tuesday because they got to see all our school, and what we do! I HAD LOADS OF FUN!!!

Angus: I will miss Maxence and all the French children a lot but will always think of Maxence.

Morven: I have really enjoyed being with everyone since they are so friendly. Everyone was great at the talent show! I really enjoyed going to Dalkeith Country Park because I had fun with my pen-pal and learned lots about him.

Martha: I had so much fun with my pen-pal (Alexis). Alexis and I both made tartan out of wool and I enjoyed it a lot. At the end of the day we had our school talent show! I was in a dance group called STARBOUND with Evie and Emily, and we even won a trophy!!! My favourite part of the day was spending time with my new French friends.

Ailsa: I have enjoyed the whole experience, meeting all our friends, when I first saw them I was at cub camp. I really liked Dalkeith Country Park and I made better friends with the French children. On Tuesday we played gamelle it was a lot of fun but at first I could not understand.

Sam: It was a really fun experience meeting our French pen-friends. I had a great time with Armond at Dalkeith Country Park, as well as enjoying watching some of our pen-friends peform at Yester's got talent. I also enjoyed playing gamelle.

Lauren T: I thought it was really nice meeting my partner for the first time. I hope they had great fun at Dalkeith Country Park and the talent show.

Alexander: It was super having them across because I got better at my French, and I have made more new friends. I hope we can have more visits and maybe we could go to France next.

Robbie: We saw our pen-friends on Tuesday and we played games and had lunch. We played football with some of the French boys.

Orianne: It was really nice meeting them for the first time in person at the cub camp.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

A l'ecole, mardi!

Jessica : Nous avons vu nos correspondants pour la dernière fois !
On à fait des jeux, la star académie…C’était super !

Margaux : Nous avons revu nos correspondants et nous avons fait
un petit concours avec des instruments de music ou on pouvait chanter …
On c’est bien amusé !!! Et il y en à même qui ont gagné un trophée.

Camille : On à tous retrouvés nos correspondants. On a même passé toute
la journée avec eux. On a fait des tartans. Après ça on a fait un jeu (la gamelle)
Puis un concours de chant. Moi, j’ai chanté avec Théo et Clément. On a même gagné
un trophée. C’était super !!!
Quelques photos plus de mardi!

mardi- avec la classe de Michael, on fabrique du tartan!

Monday 28 June 2010

Dalkeith Country Park- lundi- photos!
Kevin: Nous avons vu le fantôme avec les morts qui sont sortis. Nous avons vu une petite fille noire dans le cimetière.

Guillaume: Nous nous sommes racontés 3 ou 4 fois l'histoire de la dame blanche et à 00h00 j'ai tapé à un miroir 3 fois et j'ai dit :
- Dame blanche, dame blanche sors de ce miroir.
10 minutes après nous avons vu une petite fille et trois garçons avec des pelles et quelques minutes après on a entendu des bruits étranges (renversements). Le portail du cimetière où ils étaient s'est mystérieusement ouvert.
Il y avait dans la chambre: Guillaume, Alexandre, Kevin, Maxime et Alexis.

Claude: Pour moi cela n'a pas été la dame blanche mais la nuit «blanche». Je suis allé dormir dans la chambre des «grands» garçons de CM2 pour les rassurer. Ils étaient en plein délire fantômatique et avaient des visions....
Bref, tous les ingrédients étaient réunis (la chambre des garçons donne sur un vieux cimetière aux pierres tombales inclinées) pour dire que l'Écosse est la terre des fantômes.
Ils vous raconteront avec moult détails cette vision nocturne.

Jessica: C'était super cette journée avec les correspondants!! J'ai même apprise le russe!! Je me suis éclatée!!
ça passe trop vite......

Camille: Normalement nous devions aller à la plage. Mais le bus s'est arrêté parce qu'il sifflait.
Mais on s'est bien amusé quand même avec les correspondants!!

Margaux:Nous sommes allés pique-niquer avec nos correspondants et nous avons fait des jeux.
lundi- Dalkeith Country Park, avec les ecossais!