Wednesday 30 June 2010

Some thoughts from Scotland...

Michael: It has been really wonderful to meet all our friends from Florentin! :-) I hope you have all enjoyed your trip to Scotland- I know all my class have had lots and lots of fun meeting you all, and spending time with each of you. I think it has been a great success- so thank you for helping to make our last week at school so exciting!
You have had some great weather, and I think the centre at Innerwick was a good place for you to stay too. My own children Sandy and Olivia also are missing you already. "When will I see the French children again?" was Olivia's question this evening!
Merci beaucoup - A bientôt, j'espère!

Lauren A: I have really enjoyed meeting my pen-pal Camille. Yesterday was the last day we saw our pen-pals, and we did lots of fun things. We played a game called gamelle, we had lunch together and we took part in the Y factor (the talent show). On Monday we went to Dalkeith Country Park. We went to the adventure park first and Camille and I really enjoyed it.

Caitlin: I really enjoyed Dalkeith Country Park. It was sad to see our pen-pals leave. We had a talent show on Tuesday and that was fun as well.

Evie: I really enjoyed the experience as it helped us learn more French, but also helped us made great friends! I was nervous when I first met them, but when we started talking, Jessica, Charline, Lucy, Lea and I started to learn about each other. I was very excited going to Dalkeith Country Park because I wanted to meet even more people. I also had loads of fun at school on Tuesday because they got to see all our school, and what we do! I HAD LOADS OF FUN!!!

Angus: I will miss Maxence and all the French children a lot but will always think of Maxence.

Morven: I have really enjoyed being with everyone since they are so friendly. Everyone was great at the talent show! I really enjoyed going to Dalkeith Country Park because I had fun with my pen-pal and learned lots about him.

Martha: I had so much fun with my pen-pal (Alexis). Alexis and I both made tartan out of wool and I enjoyed it a lot. At the end of the day we had our school talent show! I was in a dance group called STARBOUND with Evie and Emily, and we even won a trophy!!! My favourite part of the day was spending time with my new French friends.

Ailsa: I have enjoyed the whole experience, meeting all our friends, when I first saw them I was at cub camp. I really liked Dalkeith Country Park and I made better friends with the French children. On Tuesday we played gamelle it was a lot of fun but at first I could not understand.

Sam: It was a really fun experience meeting our French pen-friends. I had a great time with Armond at Dalkeith Country Park, as well as enjoying watching some of our pen-friends peform at Yester's got talent. I also enjoyed playing gamelle.

Lauren T: I thought it was really nice meeting my partner for the first time. I hope they had great fun at Dalkeith Country Park and the talent show.

Alexander: It was super having them across because I got better at my French, and I have made more new friends. I hope we can have more visits and maybe we could go to France next.

Robbie: We saw our pen-friends on Tuesday and we played games and had lunch. We played football with some of the French boys.

Orianne: It was really nice meeting them for the first time in person at the cub camp.

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